I just moved into Waterford – Where do I find information about the homeowners association?
Contact us with any questions or concerns about the neighborhood by visiting the Contact Us page. You can also find information on these web pages relating to covenants and deed restrictions, current composition of the Homeowners Association Board, and the Homeowners Association by-laws.
Why do I have to pay an annual assessment to the Waterford HOA? What if I don’t want to join?
The assessment payable by each homeowner funds both the operating and capital budgets of the association. These budgets cover such things as grass mowing, flowers, shrubbery and tree planting and maintenance of all common areas, such as front entrance, other entrances, common grass areas, and the fountains and ponds. It also includes maintenance and repair of all common area structures, including the clubhouse, tennis courts, pool, walls, fences, entrance lights (not street lights which arc the responsibility of either Bluegrass Energy or Kentucky Utilities) street signs, electrical wiring and irrigation systems, the property manager’s services, and social events.
In short, the bulk of the assessments go toward maintaining and enhancing all the areas owned “in common” by the homeowners within Waterford. The proper maintenance helps to enhance the look of the subdivision and help maintain the property values of its residents’ homes.
According to the Deed of Restrictions, all property owners in the Waterford subdivision are automatically members of the homeowners association and subject to the assessment. You should have been given a copy of the DOR at or before closing on your home. If you need a copy of the DOR, please contact the property management company for additional information.
When is trash collected?
Waterford is currently designated as part of Collection Area A, with pickup scheduled for Mondays (early in the morning). Make-up days for designated holidays are typically Wednesdays, but are published by the LFUCG Division of Solid Waste.
I want to fence in my backyard. Do I have to get a permit or permission?
Yes, the City requires you to obtain a permit to construct a fence. According to “How to be a Good Neighbor” published by the LFUCG, a “permit from the Division of Building Inspection is required before a structure may be built, moved, added to or structurally altered. A permit is also needed for installation of a swimming pool, construction of a driveway or fence, or major remodeling of a home.”
The HOA also must give approval before a fence is installed. Please see the deed restrictions as to specific fence guidelines for Waterford. To obtain approval, complete the Architectural Modification Request Form and contact Waterford Property Management with any questions prior to beginning work on any project. Please contact the property management company for additional information.
What can be done about a property owner who doesn’t mow their lawn very often?
The City considers it a nuisance when grass or weeds are allowed to grow higher than 8 inches. You can contact Lexington Fayette Urban Count Government through LexCall at www.lexingtonky.gov/lexcall-311 or by calling 311. You may also contact the property management company to report a violation.
What about the loud music, power equipment or barking dogs?
These fall under the City’s noise ordinance which “prohibits sound that annoys or disturbs a reasonable person of normal sensitivities.” Please refer to the publication, “How to be a Good Neighbor” for specifics. Violations, or questions, should be directed to the Division of Police non-emergency, (859) 258-3600.
What is the speed limit in Waterford?
As with most residential streets in Lexington, the speed limit is 25 mph unless otherwise posted. The Waterford Homeowners Association Board of Directors takes speeding on our streets very seriously. Violators should be reported to the Division of Police, (859) 258-3600 (include license plate number, make, model and color of vehicle and time-of-day if you can). For some people, Waterford’s streets are just a short cut, but for us, they are part of our neighborhood and we should take responsibility for safety on them; first by observing the speed limits and stop signs ourselves; and second by reporting violations regularly and often in order to get the enforcement effort we need.
Whom should I contact about a nonfunctional street light?
Either LexCall (311) or Kentucky Utilities at (800) 981-0600.
To whom do I report vandalism?
Vandalism should always be reported to the Division of Police, 859-258-3600, and our property management company. If the vandalism occurs on private property, the property owner needs to file a complaint, should they choose to do so. If the vandalism is to, or on, common area property, the Homeowners Association will pursue reimbursement for damages and any other recourse deemed appropriate.
What can we do to combat vandalism and theft?
Be a good neighbor and keep an eye on your neighbors’ property. Report any incidents to the Division of Police and the management company. Other homeowners will be notified, if necessary. Lock your vehicle doors and close your garages. Most of the crime in our neighborhood are crimes of convenience meaning vehicles are unlocked and things are taken from inside.
Will my street be plowed if there is a heavy snow?
Waterford II HOA is contracted with a snow removal company to plow many of our streets during a heavy snow falls. The decision to plow and/or salt is based on the amount of snowfall and funds budgeted. Please be aware the plow trucks are not contracted to clear homeowners’ driveways and sidewalks- those are your responsibility. Plow trucks and are not contracted to completely remove all snow from the roadways, but to make to make them as passable as possible. Please note, not all vehicles are equipped to travel on snow and you are drive at your own risk. For more information, please see the Waterford Snow Plan Waterford II Snow Plan.