City of Lexington 2018 Snow Plan     Link 

12/28/2017  by John Mountjoy 

We are pleased to welcome Adkins Property Management as Waterford’s new property management company effective January 1st. The father/son team of Mike and Jason Adkins will be maintaining offices onsite at the Waterford Clubhouse and will be available six days each week (Mon to Sat) from 9am to 6pm. Please contact Mike or Jason for any neighborhood problems or questions that you may have.Adkins Property Management may be reached at:  (859) 229-8345 or

12/26/2017 by Ed Sloan

Four months ago I made the bittersweet decision to tender my resignation to the board. For the past four years I worked and enjoyed making Waterford a more desirable place to live, something I believed in strongly. However, I found I had to turn down more and more folks requesting the services of my home improvement business. Along with the inability to spend time with my grandson, I made my decision. I wish the new PM company the best and thank everyone for their support.  Happy New Year to everyone.   Ed Sloan

12/6/2017 by John Mountjoy

Many thanks to those that joined us this evening for the 2017 Waterford HOA Annual Meeting. We elected new board members, adopted a 2018 budget and signed a new agreement for property management services.

New Board Members – congratulations to Liz Hensley Trimble and Laura Smith Williamson on their elections to the Waterford HOA board of directors. They will be joining Dwayne Edwards, Heather Mueller, Beth Bell Brown, Michael Kurtz and Terry Godbey. Gary W. Ludwick will continue to serve as our bookkeeper.

2018 Budget – a spending plan/budget was adopted that meets our obligations while continuing to build a reserves for unanticipated expenses. We are a fortunate neighborhood with a healthy budget and low delinquencies. This allows us to do a lot during the year in terms of neighborhood events as well as maintenance and improvements. The 2017 Financial Annual Report will be available in January. Thanks to Beth Brown and Gary Ludwick for their steadfast leadership in managing our finances.

Property Management – a new agreement has been signed for property management services that will begin on January 1, 2018. Adkins Property Management has been selected after a lengthy RFP and interview process in which we contacted 23 property management firms and received full proposals from three. After reviewing these proposals and conducting in-person interviews, the board of directors unanimously agreed that Adkins was the best company for our neighborhood. Mike and Jason Adkins, a father/son team, will maintain business hours at the Clubhouse M-Sat, 9am to 6pm year round. This will provide a high level of access and interaction with our neighborhood as they work with us and several other client communities around Fayette County. Contact information for Adkins Property Management will be made available once their contract begins.

Finally, on behalf of our neighborhood, I would like to extend a warm thank you to Ed Sloan for his work over the last several years as Waterford’s property manager. As a homeowner in our neighborhood, Ed has been uniquely positioned to understand the community and to respond to our needs. We’ve been fortunate to have someone with “skin in the game” helping to manage the neighborhood. Thanks for all of your hard work, Ed.