2015 Pool Opening

The Waterford pool will be open on May 23 and 24 to all Waterford residents. Come and enjoy our heated pool with family and friends. Don’t forget, you may register for pool membership by going to https://waterfordlexington.com/pool-membership/.  

Pond Construction and Traffic Interruption

The pond construction will begin within the next two weeks.  The construction will involve the building of a bridge to cross over the drainage creek, which runs parallel to Clearwater Way, fortifying the drainage creek with rock to reduce erosion into the pond, fortifying approximately two thirds of the ponds banks with rock to prevent…

School Redistricting – Call to Action

Waterford Issue Update – School Redistricting 2/13/15   On Thursday evening (Feb. 12, 2015), your Waterford HOA Board of Directors approved the attached letter to the Fayette County Board of Education regarding the proposed redistricting of elementary schools serving our neighborhood. This letter was transmitted to the Board of Education and its special School Zoning…

School Redistricting Input

If you want to have you voice heard concerning the proposed redistricting of schools that impact Waterford, please find the attached website link for your opinions, comments or suggestions.  Please keep in mind we encourage thoughtful and respectful comments be directed to this committee, who has taken on this challenging task.   www.fcps.net/letstalk