Board Set for 2016

Your new Waterford Homeowners Association Board of Directors is set for calendar year 2016. John Mountjoy will be continuing as President, Mike McCord as Vice-President, and John Cullen as Treasurer. Beth Bell Brown was elected as Treasure, and Lynn Watts was elected as incoming board member (congratulations, Lynn) in place of outgoing board member Brett…

Flick & Float Friday, August 7th, 9 pm

Posted on behalf of the Waverunners: Our highly successful neighborhood swim team, Waterford Waverunners, are planning to host Flick & Float this Friday, August 7th, at the pool. The movie (whose title is to be revealed later) will begin shortly after 9 pm. If you intend to literally float, then it is recommended you bring…

New HOA Board President: John Mountjoy

Congratulations to John Mountjoy on his election to HOA Board President during last night’s executive session. We look forward to his leadership and to supporting him in every way possible. At the same time, a huge debt of gratitude is owed to the outgoing President, Mike Mccord, for his tireless and selfless efforts in service…